Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Da Capo Twinset

I wrote last spring about my plan to create a sleeveless sweater to coordinate with my Da Capo, using the extra yarn. After a long summer break (when it was too hot to think about wool) and two unsuccesful tries on the shoulder straps, I finished this in the early hours of 2008.


Becky said...

Wow!! That is awesome. What a great idea and wonderful execution.

Anonymous said...

Ellen, it is beautiful. And thanks so much for letting us see it modeled on a person (rather an laying flat on a table, or draped over a chair).

It looks great!

fiberfanatic said...

That is fantastic! So flattering!

Anne said...

Wow. wowie wow wow that is GREAT!

Jen said...

Great work! I like the shoulder straps.

Sandra D. said...

I agree with Elaine - the photo on you is wonderful. What an inspired garment - it's stunning.

Denise/CT said...

Love seeing what you did with the "leftovers", so inspiring! It looks fantastic on you. I appreciate the live models in pictures. I think you nailed the shoulder straps and I love the diagonals when worn signally or with the jacket. 3 Cheers for a job well done!

Erin said...

I love your pattern. Do you plan on publishing it? I would really like to make one to go with mine. You could always submit it to

Lyn said...

That's a fabulous idea - and it looks great!

Ellen said...

Thanks for all the kind and encouraging comments. I don't plan to publish a pattern, since I made it up as I went along, but it has many elements of the original pattern, and is essentially a sleeve that does not get wider because I decreased at the edge to offset the center increase.

Garngamen said...

Great job. Fantastic.. wow, how creative of you! You should have a better close-up!!