Friday, May 29, 2009

Blues instructions

Well, I'm working along on Blues and mostly it's going fine. I solved my yarn problem from the previous post and to my great surprise, I have a second yarn which fits nicely into the pattern. However, the line which says 'decrease alternately on the 7th & 8th stripe' leaves me confused. So I'm decreasing every 7th stripe by 2 stitches. The rest doesn't make sense. Does anybody have other suggestions for me?


Judi P said...

Just guessin' here, but maybe it means do half the decreases on the 7th stripe, and then do the rest on the 8th, but space thenm so they happen midway between those on the 7th. That would give a nice curve.

Anonymous said...

Could it mean you have to decrease on the 7th, 15th, 22th, 30th stripe and so on, which is after 7, 8, 7, 8 stripes?

purple-power said...

I just finished it and didn't even notice those decreases till I was past them, and so I didn't do them at all and it came out fine.

Holly said...

Are you still stuck? I can pull out my directions and see what it says. I went with the blues colorway figuring it might go with anything

I got half way through both fronts last Dec/Jan and then put it aside in favor of warmer knitting...

and here it is Sept and ....