Saturday, December 02, 2006

Finished Mermaid

I've finally finished off my Mermaid in colourway 1, after the upcoming snow scared me into needing sweaters!

I used the directions as-written, except that I used a provisional cast-on (instead of picking up stitches from an icord) and then made the icord over all live stitches. This sweater certainly suggests curviness well, but doesn't accomodate it as well. If I knit this again, I'm going to eliminate a bunch of the stripes and make colour C gussets facing up as well as down. (To make bust darts, one would make strategically placed diamond-shaped darts. If anyone's curious how to do this, I can post the math.) For more pictures, see Woolly Mammoths.


Linda said...

Wow, your sweater looks awesome. Congratulations on finishing! Linda

fiberfanatic said...

I love the fact that you showed us twirling! Yay to you!

Cheryl said...

You took the words right out of my mouth!! That is a terrific photo!!

trudefaith said...

please post the math!!! i would love to make bust darts on my mermaid ( the girls do love to be the center of attention, but must be corraled so as not to steal the show)
i agree with fiberfanatic-happy twirling

fiberfanatic said...

P.S. Please post the math!

Maus said...

checked all your pictures, what a wonderful photo sequence! Which size did you do? that's got to be one of the best-fitting mermaids that I have seen, very well done!