Sunday, October 29, 2006

Diva on her way

I have finished the stripy part, and will now go on with the blue part.


Rikke said...

I think it's a very nice piece to knit.
I have had no doubt how to knit it so far, but now I don't quite get it. I have - as you see - started knitting the solid part, and I'm not so sure of what to do. I have an idea, which I am trying out, but I'm not sure whether or not I have to frog this part in the end...
I have the danish version, so it will be hard for me to quote the part.
I have knit the 8 ribs (siza small) of MC, and now I've come to a part with decreases and short-rows.
I am uncertain of how to do this.
Am I supposed to make a decrease on this first row, and on the same row make the short-rows?
And shall I make the decrease again on the 7. rib of short-rows?
Then I knit a row where I knit all of the stitches (and the row back again).
But then what?
Should I then just repeat what I've just done, or should I knit decreases 13 times more before I repeat?

As you see, I'm stuck. It's quite a bit just to knit and frog, knit and frog, so I hope someone cam help me...

Rikke said...

Thank you very much! It was a big help. I will try not to finish before you, but I don't think it will be a problem since I have a lot to do at the moment LOL
I will surely return if I need more help, but right now it make sence.
Thank you!