Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Group Announcements

1) Spreadsheets - If you want one, you need to follow the instructions on this page. Unless Amy changes her system, this is the only way you can get a spreadsheet. Emailing me will not help. Do not request a spreadsheet from other people as there are major copyright violations which could come into play. It may take awhile, but it will be worth it once you get it. Please respect these rules or you may be banned from the knitalong.

2) Invites - I believe I am now caught up on invites. If you have requested an invite to the knitalong but have not received one, please email me at becky at beckyanddaniel dot com and rerequest.


robin-m said...

Wow! I really apologize for requesting help with my ballerina. I guess this KAL might not be the place for me . . . I apologize to any one who may have been offended. robin

Anonymous said...

Robin. I too am knitting ballerina. If I can be of any help, let me know.